Marijuana: what to know
Marijuana can lower IQ as much as 8 points in people that start using at a young age. These IQ points are permanently lost and do not come back, even after quitting. (2)
Marijuana can be addictive. Marijuana use can lead to the development of a substance use disorder. Research suggests that between 9 and 30 percent of those who use marijuana develop some degree of cannabis use disorder. People who begin using marijuana before age 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a cannabis use disorder. (1)
The amount of THC in marijuana has increased over the past few decades. (1) Today’s marijuana has three times the concentration of THC compared to 25 years ago. (2) Higher THC levels mean greater risk for addiction. (1)
Marijuana use has been linked to mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, especially amoung teens. (1) (3)