About our program
Everyone hopes for a chance in life to do something that truly impacts the world. That's what mentoring is all about — changing children's lives by providing guidance, support and positive relationships. Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with challenges, and helps them to know that they matter. Our program is community-based, with the flexibility of meeting at any of your favorite public locations around town or during school lunch. Mentoring pairs spend 4 to 8 hours a month together and this can include attending our monthly group activities. Community Connections utilizes the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring, a research-informed best practices guide.
Get involved
We hope you will consider taking the journey in creating positive change by becoming a mentor. If you listen actively, care about people, empathize with youth, and see opportunities — then you are ready to make a difference! Click here for more information about becoming a mentor, or call us at 308-696-0975 for more information about joining our program.
Apply to participate in Community Connections Mentoring:
Once you have completed and returned a Mentor Application to Community Connections Mentoring, the required background screening process will begin.
See some awesome coverage of our recent “Phone-a-Friend” mentor recruitment lunch, on news 2 at