Sutherland Housing Authority now 100% smoke-free indoors
Congratulations to Sutherland Housing Authority (Sandy Acres) for their comprehensive indoor smoke-free policies. As a result, everyone can breathe easier!
Secondhand smoke is harmful to everyone, especially children, the elderly, and those with respiratory sensitivities. It can cause ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, learning difficulties and impaired lung development, and can trigger serious asthma attacks. It can even cause sudden infant death syndrome, heart disease and cancer.
Smoke from one apartment can travel throughout the building, so the only answer is a smoke-free policy for the entire building.
Community Connections Tobacco Free Lincoln County Coalition appreciates all the apartment owners, managers and residents who have adopted and support smoke-free policies.
We are a local partnership that focuses on reducing secondhand smoke exposure and youth access to tobacco. When people want to quit using tobacco, we direct them to helpful resources. We are funded by the Nebraska Health & Human Services, Tobacco Free Nebraska Program, as a result of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.
George Haws, coordinator of Tobacco Free Lincoln County