State tobacco sales age raised to 21, e-cigarettes added to Clean Indoor Air Act

During this year’s session, the Nebraska legislature adopted two tobacco-related bills. They raised the state minimum tobacco sales age to 21 and added e-cigarettes to the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act.

LB 840: State Minimum Tobacco Sales Age Going to 21

A new state minimum tobacco sales age of 21 takes effect on October 1, and includes the sale of electronic cigarettes.  This brings state law in line with a federal law passed last December. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, state and local law enforcement personnel will all be enforcing the same sales age.

The law also specifies that nobody under the age of 21 will be allowed to enter the premises of a tobacco specialty store without a parent or legal guardian, except that, until January 1, 2022, employees who are 19 or 20 years of age will be allowed to work in the store.

Studies have shown that a minimum sales age of 21 reduces youth tobacco initiation. One way it does this is by creating a wider disconnect between young people who are old enough to legally purchase tobacco, and high school students with whom they may be inclined to share it.

Raising the state minimum tobacco sales age to 21 also eliminates confusion and makes it easier for sales clerks to comply with the law: there will now be a single minimum age for both tobacco and alcohol purchases.

LB 1064: Electronic Cigarettes added to Clean Indoor Air Act. Free window clings available.

As of November 14, 2020, the use of electronic cigarettes will be prohibited where smoking is prohibited by Nebraska’s Clean Indoor Air Act, which applies to stores, restaurants, bars, offices, gyms, indoor work sites, etc., including break rooms, restrooms, hallways and other spaces.

More information about the law can be found at

Prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes in public spaces provides the following benefits:

·         It prevents other workers, clients and customers from being exposed to annoying and potentially harmful aerosol from e-cigarettes, and

·         It reduces the normalization of e-cigarette use in the minds of our children.

Community Connections Tobacco Free Lincoln County will provide window clings to businesses, free of charge. The clings say, “No Smoking – Including Electronic Cigarettes.” To receive the clings, call 696-3356.

Community Connections Tobacco Free Lincoln County is funded by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services / Tobacco Free Nebraska Program, as a result of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.