Thirdhand smoke can keep children from getting enough sleep

Children who live with a smoker are more likely than other children to be sleep deprived. A new study by University of Cincinnati researchers shows that this is not all due to secondhand smoke. Thirdhand smoke is also a culprit. Thirdhand smoke is carried on the clothing and skin of people who smoke, and can harm their children who are exposed to it. Of course, smoking in the house or vehicle is worse than going outside to smoke, but the research has provided another reason for parents to quit smoking altogether.

Here is an excerpt from the related article on the Thirdhand Smoke Research Center web site: “The results showed that children who lived with someone who smoked inside the home (i.e., those who were exposed to both second- and thirdhand smoke) did not get enough sleep. While researchers had anticipated this result, they were surprised to find that children who lived with someone who smoked only outside the home (i.e., were exposed to thirdhand smoke but not secondhand smoke) also did not get enough sleep.”

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